Thursday, 13 November 2014

Athenian Democracy. By: Raquel

I think that Ancient Athens democracy was pretty fair. They made sure that everything was fair, although they took it a little seriously. They made others do their dirty work for them, so they could do their voting and stuff. I don't like the way that they had slaves, but I bet that they thought it was pretty convenient at the time, because they didn't have to do any of the work. They probably weren't thinking of the slaves feelings, just how it would benefit themselves. Some of the masters were probably kind to the slaves, so that's good. I can also see that they didn't want to capture the enemy then give them back. I also don't think it's fair that anyone that wan't born in Athens wasn't aloud to vote, but maybe the people of Athens thought that anyone who wasn't born in the city wasn't worthy to vote because they were aliens, or they weren't there when the tyrant was over thrown, or they weren't noble enough or something like that. I wonder where they got the idea where women were posses with demons? It's just weird. maybe they just wanted to control the women to their advantage. I don't know. But I think that Athens democracy was way different then Canada's. We can't have a direct democracy, because that would take too much time, so we have a representitive democracy. we also believe in women's rights. by: Raquel

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