Tuesday, 18 November 2014

A day in a life of a slave by Abbie

Day 1 today I had to plant the carrots, peas, beans, and potatoes water all the crops and weed I had missed 1 weed and I missed lunch that day then they were talking and I overheard that if I missed one more crop or missed a weed they would sell me. Great. So then I worked very hard and when I was done they did not like how I had done and I missed supper that night. Now I'm trying to finger out something that can impress them. Maybe I could take their 3 kids off of their hands for a day or make breakfast for them or I could always do something they would like so they would not sell me. I dislike that every morning I get to miss breakfast I just wish I could get some food around here I starve some times because my masters are so mean they like things to spotless or they like to see not a single weed or crop dry or droughnded in water witch is sometimes hard to do when it will not take any water but most of the time when they are mad they take it out on me when I'm done my job and there mad they say they don't like it. I have become very weak so I really need to impress them.

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