Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Darfur Ambreah

Recently in class, we played a game called Darfur is Dying to learn about refugee camps. It is where you pick a child or the mother to get water for there camp. On the way to the well you have to dodge Janjaweed soldiers who have huge guns. If they see you you ether get ran over or captured and  taken  away.
It's really sad that they have to go get water from a well that is really far away from their camp while being in a life or death experience if they do get water and get to your camp on the game you water the fields or give the water to someone. They are buildings in your camp  and if you click on one of the buildings it will tell you a really sad story.
I realized how grateful I need to be just for the simplest things like safety, water, and the country I live in.

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